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Casio EX-word EW-G3600V Dictionary / Translator

Casio EX-word EW-G3600V Dictionary / Translator

Casio EX-word EW-G3600V Dictionary / Translator - Dictionary / Translator, French, German, English, 100000 Words, Amazon Marketplace (new product sold by a professional on-site - Casio EW-G 3600 V

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255,51 €


Key Features

Device Type: Some devices also offer a function dictionary. Others are able to translate what you type into another language. Choose the features you want for your électronique.Dictionnaire Dictionary / Translator
Language: Languages ​​supported by your translator or dictionary électronique.Français, German, English
Word Count: 100,000 words
Number of expressions: 390,000 Phrase
Spell Checker Function: Yes

Another feature

Number of displayed rows: 22 lines


UPC: 9783941321014
Product No.: 86310960
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